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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Meaning and Concept of Effective Feedback

Meaning and Concept of Effective Feedback
Feedback is information that allows us to compare our actual performance with standards of performance. It is process, which confirms as to what meaning the receiver attaches to your message. Feedback is a sign of involvement in and commitment to a relationship.
The purpose of feedback (positive /negative) is to increase other person’s self-awareness and a feeling that “I am liked”, ‘I am respected”, “I am appreciated”, I am valued “, I need improvement”, I need to focus”. Thus, if we all invest in our relationships, an accurate and realistic feedback, it is a sign of caring and commitment. Managers and supervisors need to utilize feedback techniques for a good communication.

Following are a pattern /technique to form our communication-
  • Check The Timing:
  • State The Facts:
  • State The Feelings/ Effect:
  • State Your Needs / Encourage:
  • Close With A Thanks:

Conflict Management - meaning and understanding

 Introduction and Definition:
When seen for what it is, much conflict can be easily handled and turned to constructive ends.
—Wayne Jacobsen


"A struggle to resist or overcome; contest of opposing forces or powers; degree of discomfort, anger, frustration." Because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations and desires, conflict is a natural part of our interactions with others. Conflict is a characteristic of human existence. When conflict is understood, it's easier to find ways to predict it, prevent it, transform it, and resolve it. Conflicts help build relationships.

Causes and Reasons Of A Conflict:
It can also be termed as a perceived breach of faith and trust between individuals. When one puts faith and trust in another, and that confidence is broken, it can create an emotional response that elevates to conflict. Therefore, it is important that the conflict be resolved as soon as possible. Conflict is caused by:
·    Ego issues and problems
·    Underlying stress and tension
·    Personality clashes
·    Acquired Values
·    Lack of effective communication, leading to unclear expectations
·    Goal pursuits
·    Challenging and competitive environment

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Perception is defined as a process by which we acquire mental images of our environment; we organize, interpret, and give meaning to sensations or messages that we receive with our senses (sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing). What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. If the percept does not have support in any of these perceptual bases it is unlikely to rise above perceptual threshold.

Perceptions are separate, and in several ways different, from conceptual understanding, for perception must work very fast (whereas we may take minutes or hours to ‘make up our minds’, and years to form new concepts). Also, it would be impossible for perception to draw upon all of our knowledge; and perceptions are of individual objects and events in present time, while concepts are abstract and generally timeless.
The theory that perception is ‘cognitive’, depending on inferences from essentially inadequate sensory signals, was first clearly proposed by the German polymath physicist, physiologist, and psychologist, Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-94). He called perceptions ‘unconscious inferences’. We might say that they (our most intimate experiences and knowledge) are simply hypotheses, essentially like the predictive hypotheses of science — though not always agreeing in particular accounts.

Factors that influence perception are as follows:

Attitudes, Beliefs and Values
Peer pressure
Environmental background and Experience
Snap judgment
Halo effect/ Rusty Halo effect

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Theory and Models of Change Management

Change Management

Change Management is a structural approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations for a current state to a desired future state. It includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people side of change.

Change Management principles: When leader and managers are planning to manage Change, there are five key principles that need to be kept in mind-
1.    Different people react differently to Change
2.    Everyone has fundamental needs that have to be met

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuition Reimbursement Request for XYZ Course

In this blog I will explain about how to write a letter for the "Tuition Reimbursement". This is just a sample .

Mr. Manager
Adress 1
Address 2
Dear Mr. manager
Subject: Tuition Reimbursement Request for xyz Course
I would like to request you to reimburse my xyz course, as I am confident that this training would ultimately benefit ABC Sales Agency. This course would provide me with an increase level of skills and services in my current position with the company, i.e. Customer Relation Officer. I would like to bring in your kind notice that I’m a permanent employee in this Company for the last 5 years now. I have always contributed towards the growth and success of my Company. I hold an important position with respect to dealing with customers and fellow-employees. I am responsible for communicating effectively in writing with customers and co-workers about customer service issues through the use of email, written letters, memos, feedback and inquiries report on a daily basis. I am also responsible for replying and responding to the surveys, sales reports that are distributed to all the employees in the company in an effort to increase sales and service within the departments. I am already possessing degree in Management and I’m sure this training will be helpful to me in increasing my professional development and position I’m holding here.